About the Friends

This marsh is home to me and it fed me as a child...it was my playground and when I was a young adult looking at the wetlands being drained, I felt violated and I began to cry...it was then when I was compelled to get involved.

Friends of Heinz Refuge (FOHR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit cooperating association founded in 1997 to assist the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) in carrying out its educational, interpretive, and public use missions. We are part of a nationwide network of “Friends” organizations serving over 230 national wildlife refuges.


FOHR works in partnership with John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge to connect people with nature and promote a culture of environmental stewardship through education, outreach, service and nature-based recreation for the conservation of wildlife and habitat.

We envision a society that understands, appreciates, and takes responsibility for the natural world. We foresee significant and meaningful preservation of the natural world for current and future generations of people and wildlife. 


FOHR has historically demonstrated and desired the following values. The organization identifies these as most important in its work to support John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge, wildlife, and the public:

  • Resourcefulness: Ability to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.
  • Accountability: Obligation or willingness to accept responsibility.
  • Collaboration: To work cooperatively especially in a joint intellectual effort.
  • Community: Sharing, participation and collaboration with others.
  • Stewardship: The careful conducting, supervising or managing of something.

Meet the Board

Board Members

Mary Batt, President
Jaclyn Rhoads, Vice President, Finance Committee
Carol Armstrong, Secretary, Plastics Committee
Tara Zoltek, Treasurer

Matt Cohen, Photography Committee
Krista Graham
Julia Holz
Thomas Koger
Donna Roberts
Lynn Roman

Jean Diehl, Honorary board member

Active Non-board Volunteers:
Dale Harris, Store
Ron Miller
Kim Sheridan, E-bulletin

Our board meetings take place on the third Tuesday of every month from 6-8 PM in the refuge visitor center or virtually by Zoom (subject to change). These meetings are open to the public so feel free to join us! Please email info@fohrefuge.org if you plan to attend a meeting.

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